
Hello Parents and Guardians of Churchland Preschool’s finest boys and girls! This is Mrs. McIntyre the administrator of Churchland Preschool.

First, I would like to commend each of you for your patience and understanding as we attempt to ensure that your child arrives to school safely as well as following specific protocol for the dismissal process in regards to releasing students to the proper authority and ensuring safety measures for both staff and students.

Secondly, Churchland Preschool hours are 8:20 a.m. until 3:25 p.m. The dismissal process starts at 3:15 p.m. In order to protect instructional time, we ask that your child remain in school until this time. In the event that you may need to pick your child up early, we ask that you come to the front of the school no earlier than 2:30 p.m.  where someone from the preschool will assist you until 3:00 p.m.

Thirdly, all preschool students must be escorted by an adult for arrival and dismissal. This includes putting your child on the bus and receiving them from the bus. Please do not send your child to the front of the school alone or with siblings. Churchland Preschool is a separate school from Churchland Academy and we have specific guideline for our students. No preschooler should be dropped off and left alone.

Parents dropping off or picking up your child, must do so on the right side of the school building designated for car riders. Students being dropped off must remain in the car until it is time for them to enter the building at which time a Churchland Preschool staff person will come to the car to assist. Please do not drop your child off and leave them unattended. Procedures and protocols for both drop off and pick up have been clearly established to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal process for both students and staff.

Churchland Academy have identified Safety Patrols to assist their school with the arrival process. Because of the young nature of our preschoolers and for liability concerns, Safety Patrols are not responsible for assisting preschoolers.

Fourth, while we know the arrival and dismissal process has been a little hectic the first week of school, we still expect parents to follow the procedures. Parents of car rider students should take their place in the car rider lineup. Students of parents who have been clearly identified as a permanent car rider will receive a car number tag that should be displayed on the rear view mirror of your car. A staff representative will identify your tag number with your student and someone will bring your child out to the car. Please DO NOT leave your car unattended for any reason in an attempt to pick up your child.

Parents not identified as a permanent car rider must present your ID and must be authorized to pick up the student. No ID, No authorization, NO CHILD. This process will be monitored closely and if it is determined that you are picking your child up daily from this location, you will then be considered a car rider and assigned a car number and will have to utilize the car line up process.

Just to reiterate, dismissal process will begin at 3:15 p.m. Please remain patient and follow the process accordingly.

While I am certain that my parents and guardians will oblige with this process, I must inform you that in the event of negative implications displayed as a result of staff members implementing and carrying out the arrival/dismissal policy and procedures, we will be seeking assistance from our designated School Resource Officer as well as the Portsmouth Police Dept.

If you have questions or concerns, I will be glad to assist you. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety of our children as well as our staff.


Mrs. Robyn McIntyre
