Character In Education
Second Step is a universal Violence Prevention Curriculum designed to reduce aggressive behavior and increase social competence. Churchland Preschool students are taught skills in the core areas of empathy, emotion management (impulse control, emotion regulation and anger management), and social problem solving. The preschool classroom provides an ideal setting for teaching children these skills through the use of puppets, rhymes, songs, and role playing.
Therapeutic Interventions Program – Dominion Day Treatment
Dominion provides Therapeutic Day Treatment services. The program is designed to reduce suspensions, improve attendance, and support each child’s success in school, at home, and in the community.
LEAP – Literacy Eating and Activity for Preschoolers
The Literacy, Eating, and Activity for Preschoolers (LEAP) facilitates the reading of books that focus on preparing and eating healthy foods and being physically active. The use of books help children develop an appreciation for literature and at the same time motivate children to adopt positive food and physical activity behaviors that last a lifetime.
Young Athletes – Special Olympics of Virginia
Young Athletes is an innovative sports play program for children ages 2-7. The program consists of a series of developmentally appropriate activities designed specifically for young children. The program seeks to strengthen physical development and self-esteem for children by building skill for future sports participation.
Reverse Inclusion Program
The purpose of the Reverse Inclusion Program is to grow inquisitive, life-long learners who will represent the community as future leaders, regardless of ability, race, or gender. The program fosters independence, critical-thinking and creativity in the students while building collaborative, healthy relationships among peers.
Waterford SmartStart Program
The heart of SmartStart is a personalized daily online sequence that provides engaging, interactive, research-based literacy instruction fully aligned with the Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning. Reports, keyed to the framework, provide real time data to teachers seeking to monitor the progress of their students as they progress through the SmartStart sequence.
Conscious Discipline
Conscious Discipline is a research-based, comprehensive self-regulation program whose goal is to promote social-emotional skill changes in teachers, staff, administrators and parents so they can effectively instill these same skills in children. Conscious Discipline uses the PBIS framework to ensure systematic decision-making with current Portsmouth Public Schools and to meet the PBIS goals of supporting positive behavior in all students.